

Ouvaalan - The Universal A.I.-Human Language

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Phonetic Alphabet

Consonants and Vowels

Type Letters
Vowels A, E, I, O, U
Consonants D, F, H, K, L, N (as M), S, V (as W)

Numerical System

Basic Numerals

Number Representation
. Ak
0 Uk
1 Da
2 Fa
3 Ha
4 Ka
5 La
6 Na
7 Sa
8 Va
9 Ok
10 De
11 DeDA
12 DeFa
20 FaDe
21 FaDeDa
22 FaDeFa
100 Fe
101 FeDa
102 FeFa
111 FeDeDa
112 FeDeDa
200 FaFe
201 FaFeDa
202 FaFeFa
210 FaFeDe
211 FaFeDeDa
212 FaFeDeFa
222 FaFeFaDeFa
223 FaFeFaDeHa

Higher Order Numerals

Magnitude Representation
Tens De
Hundreds Fe
Thousands He
Million Ke
Billion Le

Ordinal Numbers

Position Term
First Doda
Second Dofa
Third Doha
Fourth Doka
Fifth Dola


Key Terms and Common Expressions

Term Meaning
Vi Yes
No No
Is Is
U You
Us We
Fain Fine
Do To
Fo For
Du Do
Ko Go
Flon From
Fon Phone

Queries and Pronouns

Term Meaning
Vad What
Vhe Where
Ven When
Vai Why
Hov How

Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives

Term Meaning
Di Be
Dhe The
Dad That
Dis This
Id It
Vil Will
Doi Boy
Nan Man
Vonan Woman
Flen Friend
Dei Day
Nau Now
Ik Eat
Dink Drink
Tok Talk
Ve Way
Ei Eye
Eal Ear
Nouh Mouth
Nous Nose
Luf Love
Laf Laugh
DoDei Today
Nes Next
NesDei Tomorrow
Das Past
DasDei Yesterday
Term Meaning
Dlis Please
Mek Make
Lek Like
Sev Save
Lead Read
Vrid Write

Expanded Queries and Pronouns

Term Meaning
Vih Which
Dhi This
Dhose Those

Additional Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives

Term Meaning
kone Zone
kuik Quick
Slov Slow
belek Bright
Dalk Dark
Svit Sweet
diter Bitter
Sdlong Strong
Veek Weak

This structured presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the linguistic system, ensuring each element is clearly defined and categorized for ease of understanding and application.